6 Self Care Tips for a Busy Lifestyle!
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6 Self Care Tips for a Busy Lifestyle!

Now, I’m not one for extensive self care routines… I believe that we should take care of ourselves so we can serve others! I am a busy person and self care is hard to up keep, but I try to incorporate “self-care” into my daily routine as opposed to setting aside time to do all the things I could have done in little increments every day! I do set some time aside every Wednesday morning or night to do a little extra to show myself some love. Here’s my routine!
  1. Shave your face!

Shaving your face is so good for many reasons. It painlessly takes off facial hair, makes it easier to apply makeup, helps exfoliate your skin gently, and gives you a fresh face for a face mask! I get mine in sets of 3 at target, and I replace the individual razors every 3 weeks, I wanna keep those blades sharp!
  1. Charcoal face mask!

It is the tried and true method! Charcoal is great at minimizing impurities and cleaning out your pores! I do this after cleaning and shaving my face.
  1. Lip scrub!

I have not used a lip scrub until one of my students gave me an all natural sugar lip scrub, and there’s no turning back. I have to use chapstick less often now and my lips feel sooooo much softer.
  1. Take care of those feet!

As a ballet teacher, I’m on my feet A LOT! They need some love after carrying me around! I like to scrub my heels and callouses with a pummis stone, and lotion them up with an amlactin foot cream.
  1. Listen to your favorite, peaceful tunes!

  2. All the while, I’m listening to “Oldies playing in another room, and it’s raining” (you can find it on YouTube). My favorite background music for a cozy night in. I usually do my self care routine in a huge bathrobe and listen to my oldies and enjoy the R&R!
  1. Go to bed EARLY!

The best thing you can do for your body is sleep! If you have a busy schedule and you have one week day where you’re off early, GO TO SLEEP! No phone, no distractions… just a cup of tea, a nice book, (maybe a record playing) and a quiet night all to yourself.
Enjoy your self care! Comment below your self care routine or DM them to me on Instagram @ardentlyadored!
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