6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Morning
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6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Morning

If you haven’t looked into French living, you should because once I started following their morning routines, my life was CHANGED!
I recently have become fascinated with French lifestyles, like their eating habits, what is always in a French woman’s purse (not to sound creepy!), etc. Basically, I wanted to know how they were able to enjoy their lives so much. I LOVE mornings… rather, I love being awake in the morning, not talking, waking up, or any of the hard stuff. I’m sure most of you can agree that a quiet morning by yourself is a great way to start your day. Here’s how I start my day, and I HIGHLY recommend trying it!

1. I time out how long everything will take me to get ready

Before I even start, the night before, I think about what I’ll be doing and what I need to have done before I leave for the day. If it’s an important event I’m going to, I often will make a list the night before. I do NOT lay out my clothes the night before, I’ll explain why in a little bit.

2. I set my alarm for an hour earlier than I need to get ready.

You may be cringing at the sight of these words, but there are a few reasons why this is really good for you (especially women!). Keep reading to find out why!

3. Enjoy your coffee!

This is one of the things I have learned from French living. Waking up earlier gives us time to enjoy our mornings. You can sit in your coziest chair by the window with our Bibles, or take your coffee outside and sip it while enjoying the crisp morning air…it’s refreshing to have a slow start in the morning.

4. Put yourself into your feminine energy

The second reason why it’s important to “enjoy your coffee”, and this is for the ladies, it puts us in gathering mode. When we can doddle while getting ready, it slows us down and puts our bodies in a relaxed state. When we are rushed, we go into hunting mode or, even worse, fight-flight-freeze mode. What a terrible way to start the day! This is why I do not lay my clothes out the night before…so I can enjoy picking it out and I can take my time!

5. Do not be on your phone!

I’m guilty of this…even though I leave my phone outside of my room, I still will come bring it back to my room in the morning. Not checking social media and giving yourself that extra hour of relaxation before your day starts is so worth it, though! After an hour in the morning, I will turn on a podcast and put my AirPods in so I’m not actually on my phone. I find I’m most receptive to information in the morning!

6. Clean up one thing

You know when you get home from work, and the dishes are still in the sink? That has to be one of the worst feelings. It feels like you can’t relax unless that ONE thing is done, right? Before you leave, clean up one thing so when you get home, you can relax without that dusty desk distracting you from resting!
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