Morning in Quarantine
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Morning in Quarantine

While in quarantine, it’s very important to maintain routine. I must admit, I still don’t have the hang of keeping my routine consistent, but here’s how I’ve gotten it done when I can.

  1. Wake up early

I try to wake up before my family does. I’m most definitely a morning person, so it’s important to me to have some time for myself during that time. Plus, since it’s getting warmer outside, working out or going on a run is more enjoyable in the cool of an early morning. 

  1. Eat Breakfast

This may seem basic, and I know a lot of people are on the intermittent fasting kick, but I really cannot function without a nutritious breakfast within the first hour of waking up. Here’s a breakfast that I love to make in the morning:

A cup of coffee with almond milk, one fried egg on toast with olive oil and smashed tomato. I season it simply with salt and pepper. 

  1. Workout

Since in quarantine, I have been really enjoying working out! Whether going for a run or walk, cross training, or giving myself a ballet barre, I try to do it in the morning to jumpstart my metabolism and get my blood flowing for a productive day!

  1. Devotional

I try to read a chapter from the Bible in the mornings. Right now, I’m going through Romans. I use the She Reads Truth app, and it’s a great guide to dissecting each chapter. 

  1. Listen to classical music, stay off the phone.

I love listening to classical music. This is not the most relaxing piece I’ve ever listened to, but my favorite piece right now is the Hungarian Rhapsody by Franz Liszt, as well as everything Chopin. I also try to stay off my phone in the morning. I have lots of things I do for work on my phone, but in the mornings, I want to be present and focused on setting myself up right.

How do you start your quarantine mornings? 

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