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We all know how it goes… coffee, dinner, hike, coffee, dinner hike… The cycle goes on and on. What else is there to do with your boyfriend/husband/significant other? Don’t worry! I’ve done all the research for you. Here’s a list of 10 unique summer date...

I have ALWAYS loved putting on a good show for family and friends. From doing skits with friends, performing in community theater, or showing off my skills at my violin recital, I loved performing! The combination of being a theater kid and being the ultimate...

While in quarantine, it’s very important to maintain routine. I must admit, I still don’t have the hang of keeping my routine consistent, but here’s how I’ve gotten it done when I can. Wake up early I try to wake up before my family does. I’m...

I'm Reagan. I am 21 years old and the oldest of 5 children. I love my Jesus, I love my family, and I love to dance. Because of the amazing parents I have, I was lucky enough to have been raised in a Christian home that cherishes...

While in quarantine, it’s really forced me to re-evaluate my day and my schedule. From spending less time on my phone, to taking my workout routine to the next level, I’ve made some minor (yet they still feel huge!) changes to my daily routine! Waking...